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Celadon Coturnix Quail Eggs


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Celadon Coturnix quails, are a variety of Coturnix quails (scientific name: Coturnix japonica) that are bred for their unique egg color. These quails lay eggs with a pale blue or greenish hue, reminiscent of the color of celadon pottery, hence the name “celadon.”

The blue or green egg color is a result of a genetic mutation that affects the deposition of pigment on the eggshell. Unlike the traditional brown or speckled eggs of many quail varieties, the celadon quail eggs stand out due to their pastel-colored shells.

Celadon quails are primarily bred by enthusiasts and hobbyists interested in unique egg colors or ornamental quail breeding. While they may not differ significantly in appearance from other Coturnix quail varieties, their eggs are prized for their aesthetic appeal and novelty. Additionally, celadon quails typically exhibit the same traits and behaviors as other Coturnix quail breeds, including prolific egg-laying capabilities, relatively small size, and ease of care.

Our celadon coturnix quails live primarily on the ground in an Omlette

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Pen 1: Olive egg layers, Pen 2: Farmhouse mix, Pen 3: Bantam Blue/Olive egg layers, Pen 4: Silky and Blue egg layers (frizzle rooster), Pen 5: Show quality silkies black/white/splash, Pen 6: Show quality silkies hen's choice


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